June 3, 2023 Grand Opening - Penn Township Sport Court Park
Penn Township Parks Report
June 12,2023
Park Grand Opening/Fire Dept. Open House: We hosted a very successful community event on June 3rd. An estimated 250 people attended to enjoy the courts, a delicious lunch, a display of our well maintained fire equipment, live music, popcorn/snacks, an educational smoke house, a bounce house, door prizes and more. Special thanks to all of our sponsors and volunteers. The sponsor list is displayed on the posters located in the hall and on our website. Keith Carter of Carter’s Electric Motor Service provided the bounce house as a surprise, so sorry we missed him on the posters. Also, the music was courtesy of Al Mott and Rollie Wells. Special thanks to the Penn Township Fire Dept., Sprague Fitzsimons, Steve and Wendy Grace, Paul Rutherford, The Greathouse Family, The Penn Township Board, Scott and Deb Chris, Rachelle Ward, Connie Gless, Jim and Linda Bogue, Glenn and Patty Killoren, April and John Schneider, Sarah Schneider, Josh Canterbury, Nicole and Rob Sterling, Kay Preston, Dee and others that I’m sorry I may have missed. The fundraiser was financially successful for Fire Dept. netting them over $6,000.
The courts have had a very busy Spring! We are drawing people from all over Cass County and beyond with our high quality facilities and friendly volunteers. We have hosted several successful events. We kicked things off with a 4-week series of Pickleball 101 for the COA. We had 30-40 people participating for each session. Although the formal classes for COA are complete, it has worked into a regular T/TH morning community of players. We have also held a few 101 classes for the general public which were well attended. We hosted a Dink and Dine (potluck and play) last week that had over 30 people attend. We have partnered with H2 Pickleball out of South Bend for clinics and special events. We hosted a clinic with them last Thursday that was at max capacity. It was so successful, that we have another one scheduled for this week that is already full. We are hosting a fun tournament on June 17th: The TMPR Games- Tournament of Drills. The Lake Life Realty Group along with The Penn Township Pickleball club have generously sponsored this event to keep the cost down to participants. There are spots open if anyone is interested. The sign up information is on the website, Penn Township Pickleball Facebook page and our message board by the courts. We have several other upcoming events and are looking for new ideas all of the time.
Special thanks to all of the volunteers and sponsors who have helped to make our success possible: Sprague Fitzsimons, Wendy Grace, Steve Grace, Patty Killoren, Glenn Killoren, Deb Chris, Scott Chris, Jenny Ramsey, Paul Rutherford, Gary Nolte, April Schneider, Dee, The Lake Life Realty Group, Rutherford Rentals and Paddletek. Again, I apologize if I have missed anyone.
We are planning to accommodate additional sports by adding a soccer field and potentially a sand volleyball court.
The Sport Court Park is a true community builder by bringing people together of all ages, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and ability. The park is fostering friendship and bringing joy to so many people.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Fitzsimons
This exciting event was sponsored by the following:
Platinum Sponsor
Paddeltek LLC, Niles, MI
Midwest Energy & Communications, Cassopolis, MI
Elk Park Feed Store, Vandalia, MI
Edward Lowe Foundation, Cassopolis, MI
Bob & Vickie File, Vandalia, MI
Rutherford Rentals, Vandalia, MI
Dussel's Farm Market & Greenhouses, Cassopolis, MI
Kemner Iott Benz, Cassopolis, MI
Wallace 24-Hour Towing, Cassopolis, MI
Jim & Linda Bogue, Cassopolis, MI
Bullseye Construction, Cassopolis, MI
Bullseye Marketplace, Three Rivers, MI
Israel & Jessica Yoder, Cassopolis, MI
K&M Machine-Fabricating, Cassopolis, MI
Lisa & Sprague Fitzsimons, Vandalia, MI
April Schneider, Vandalia, MI
Porky's Party Place, Cassopolis, MI
Mark & Debbie George, Elkhart, IN
Ramsey Window and Door, Cassopolis, MI​
Glenn & Patty Killoren, Cassopolis, MI
Sarah Schneider, Vandalia, MI
Steve & Wendy Grace, Vandalia, MI
Scott & Deb Chris, Vandalia, MI
Bender Electric, Cassopolis, MI
Cassopolis Farmers Market, Cassopolis, MI
The Vault, Cassopolis, MI
G.W. Jones Exchange Bank, Marcellus, MI
Jen Goldsburg, Vandalia, MI
Carter's Electric Motor Service, Vandalia, MI